Now, I will remember
I finally did it. I bought myself a beautiful new datebook. I got a great deal on it, too. Four bucks! Borders had all their 2006 calendars on sale for $4. Lucky me!
The specs for my new engagement calendar that features a delicate floral pattern adapted from an 18th-century French textile design are as follows:
• Double-page weekly spreads
• Magnetic foldover binding that lies flat
• Ribbon page marker (you can see it in the photo:)
• Room for notes and addresses
You will be seeing a lot of this little book. I'm hoping it will help me not have to utter these words in 2006:
"I forgot!"

It has a raised texture on the outside. I can't stop touching it!
I don't have a date book because...I have no dates to remember. Such a sad shame.
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