And Your Little Dog, Too!

There's this girl at work, see. And she has a small figurine of a Schnauzer dog with a jiggly head sitting on the top of her computer. Well, I took the head. Now it's a headless figurine of a Schnauzer dog still sitting on the top of her computer. She has no idea it was me. Yesterday, I took a photo of the head and made a ransom note. Here it is in all its glory. I have to say, it's one of the finest art projects I've done since I started working here. Well, that and the lotus flower I drew for a fireworks package called the Golden Lotus Shell. I'll post that masterpiece another time.
Anyway, I'll let you all know what happens. I may be fat with cookies by the time this day is out!
You. Are. So. Wicked.
What kind of influence will you be on my little baby?!?
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that. Brilliant, but scary." - Ron Weasley
I am impressed. Nicely done. Your wicked side rocks. Totally.
That is simply too funny.
You are awesome! That is great!
Best prank I've heard of in a long while.
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