Friday, July 14, 2006

July 14

It's 9:00 a.m., and this is my day so far:

My alarm went off at 6:51 a.m. as it always does, and like I always do, I let out a groan, and dragged myself out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and fed Marcel-Henri, then I put the coffee on. I made myself some cereal, poured a cup of coffee, then took it all into the living room to sit on the floor and watch the news. I don't know why I watch the news every morning. It's depressing. I always give Marcel-Henri the leftover milk from my cereal, so every morning, he anxiously awaits his daily treat. He's so cute. At 7:15, I got in the shower to start getting ready for work. I left my house at 8:17. The drive into work was nonevenful. I came straight down Market Street today. I like to mix it up so I don't get bored; sometimes I go down Glenwood to Mahoning. The thing I don't like about driving down Glenwood is that if you get stuck behind someone slow, it's only one lane, so you can't pass them. Since I'm always running a few minutes behind, getting stuck behind slow people stresses me out.

Once at work, I grumbled about the old lady who is once again parked in my space (23), then I walked into the building with a co-worker who arrived at the same time as I did--4 minutes late today. Since arriving at work, there has been a small gathering of people here in the artroom standing around talking about movies. It's been a good morning so far, though I didn't get any e-mails, and for some reason, that always kind of bums me out. One of the things I look forward to when I get to work in the morning is checking my e-mail to see how many people sent me some kind of correspondence.

When I came back to work after being sick for a week, I had 83 e-mails in my in box! About 3/4 of those were of the JUNK variety trying to sell me Rolex watches and Viagra.

From 9:00 - 9:13, I typed in this new post. Now, you are up to date on my day. Stay tuned -- there's more to come later.


Blogger Kimmy said...

Your alarm goes off at 6:51, that's kinda a random time.

I am really loving this challenge. It's so cool to hear all about everyone's day.

9:26 AM  

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