For the love of Gill
I discovered my new favorite typeface today.
Here's the story……
I was on the internet, and an ad came up for a new product –– Clorox Sanitizing Spray. Now, germs have been on my mind a lot lately. I've just gotten over a sinus infection that had me beat for FOUR WEEKS! And yesterday, two people came into my space here in the art room telling me how sick they were, then proceeded to touch everything. Needless to say, I got a little freaked out when I thought of all the germs they were spreading around my previously clean airspace. It got me to thinking about thalcoholol pads in the First Aid Kit, and the Lysol spray in the bathroomÂ…
After lifting the Lysol from the bathroom, and spraying everything that any sick person might have touched, and wiping my phone, all the handles and knobs on my desk, and the top of my side table with talcoholhol wipes, I thought to myself that I would do well to pick up a good disinfectant next time I was at the store.
Then this ad pops up for Clorox Sanitizing Spray. Of course, I went to the sight, and lo and behold I stumbled on my new favorite type face. I thought I recognized it and I racked my brain for a few minutes until I came up with what I thought may be the name of this type face. I called up a blank Illustrator document and typed out a test phrase. Sure enough……

Yep! I love Gill Sans. Gill Sans Light to be exact. In about a 60% black (that's a medium dark gray for those of you who don't think in percentages of black). My search for a germ-free workplace lead me to a couple of great discoveries. How's that for success?
That is so funny, because when I was the editor for Columbiana Library's newsletter, that was the type face I used for the whole newsletter. I just loved the way it looked in print. So, I am totally with you on this one!
Congratulations on a successful day. Adam hates how everyone thinks it's okay to sneeze, cough and generally touch everything in order to make it germy. He's forever telling me how he disinefected his office. Now, if only he was as interested in cleaning at home...
This is too funny!
I also love Gill Sans. I started using it when I decided that I need to take a break from Myriad, my good old standby sans serif typeface.
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