Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A toe by any other name is still a toe

I haven't posted in a while, so I thought it was about time. Actually, I got a tiny little reprimand from E, and to avoid the whole e-mail/BLOG WENCH blitz that we all so kindly hit Mel with, I thought I should empty the contents of my brain here today to let you all know what I've been thinking. So here it goes…

This past Saturday, I ran 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. 18 miles. And my toe hurts. Still.

I don't even mention the shorter runs during the week now – they just seem so inconsequential (is that a word?) If I had more motivation right now, I'd go to to find out. I digress. My toe hurts. I know it seems small, but it's a big pain in the, well, TOE. I can't wait until this marathon is over. I'm really getting tired of the discipline and the dedication it takes to be a marathon runner. Really, I think this is just the toe talking. I'm sure I'll feel very good about myself when this is all over. Unless, of course, my toe actually falls off during the course of the 26.2 miles I'll have to run to complete this marathon. In that case, I will be sorry I ever embarked on this crazy adventure. I'll be 10 pounds lighter and toeless.

After the run on Saturday, my sis and I went to Tammy and Terry's house where Tammy was kind enough to put on a cooking clinic for the girls. What fun it was. Those of you who have ever tasted anything she's made know she's a fantastic cook. Saturday was no exception, and we were all the beneficiaries of her wisdom in the kitchen. We made Chinese food – steamed flower dumplings, egg rolls and fried rice. We made up Haiku poems pertaining to the night which ended up being quite fun and funny. I wrote them down, so I'll post them in a later. Here's one where three of us each made up a line:

Egg on my finger
Acts like glue to seal in taste
An egg roll is born

Okay. I'll post some more later. I have a cool idea about Mel and E being our personal super heroes, but it's an idea I must develop a little further before I post about it.


Blogger Kimmy said...

18 miles? 18 miles????? I think you should fall into the super hero category as well, least in my book.

7:28 AM  

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