Friday, September 09, 2005

I think I may be a music snob

I just got my Andrew Peterson CD in the mail a couple of days ago. All of you were right – it's fantastic. That's a pretty lame word to describe the music of what could possibly be the best songwriter of our day. Wow. To be able to express oneself like that…

I find myself becoming quite a music snob, however. I got an email from a friend asking me what I was listening to these days. Of course, I replied "Andrew Peterson blah, blah, blah. What about you?" He emails me back and says Chris Tomlin and Casting Crowns. Now, I'm not saying anything negative about either of these two artists – Chris Tomlin is high-energy, there aren't too many Christian musicians who I've seen rock like that – but in my opinion, neither one comes close to the talent that Andy has. In fact, very few are able to express themselves with the very words that make you stop what you're doing and feel what he must have felt when he wrote the song. Or, even better, feel something completely different based on your own life experiences. How is he able to express my feelings better than I can? Genius, I say. Genius.

The point is, Andy's music moves. He writes the words every songwriter wishes they had written. They're just commom words (to quote another fantastic song!), but the way he puts them together… well, there's certainly nothing common about that.

So, this friend of mine says he's going to check out the new Andrew Peterson CD. I'm sure he'll love it. He's a music lover and a Christian, so how could he not?

As far as my being a music snob, I've concluded that to be a true snob, you would have to horde it and not pass it along.


Blogger Kimmy said...

Funny, we were just the other night discussing the differeneces between Andrew and artists like Casting Crowns. There is just no comparing them is there? Andrew is amazing, I agree that he could be and probably is the best songwriter of our day.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Eliza Osborn said...

One of the best kind of snobs to be. I'm glad you agree with us...again! ;)

1:30 PM  

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