Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Luna, Luna

It's been a long time, folks, and I have so much to tell you, but it's getting late and I need to get into bed, so I'll make this quick. What's that you say? "Kim sure is blogging late?" Yes, yes I am. I finally got my very own internet connection in my very own house! I had to. Since I'm working from home now three days a week, I need to get connected. I didn't realize how much I use the net for my design work. I not only go to numerous stock photo and free font sites for specific design needs, but I use it a lot just to spark an idea.

Anyway, here's my other news...

Meet Luna. She's a stray I found on my street. I'm not a dog person; I like cats. But this dog has stolen my heart and she's here to stay. She's a tiny little long-haired chihuahua/terrier mix that weighs in at a mere six pounds! Both my cats are bigger than she is. Babs didn't come up from the basement for three days, but she's better now and not hissing quite as much. I think everything will work out.

I burned my arm on my lawn mower. Quite badly. Several layers of skin peeled off. I ran inside and quickly put it under cold water. Rinsing it under cold water was more than I could take and I got dizzy from the pain. I had to do it, though, because I had raw exposed flesh that needed to be cleaned off because I just rubbed it on my dirty lawn mower. Not one of my more brilliant moves, but stuff happens.


Blogger Kimmy said...

Between your dog and mine, I think we've got the cuteness covered;-)

Thanks again for the tomatoes. They're wonderful! And, that green one is totally turning red already!

12:43 PM  
Blogger kimw said...

Oh yeah. No one can touch us on the cuteness!

Glad the tomato is turning red for you! After the salsa is made, I'll give up the ones that are left over. I have a few more out on the plants, too.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

What's up with people named Kim getting all these cute dogs. I smells me a conspiracy.

Sounds like the garden is doing great. Congrats. Maybe next year we'll get you in on the co-op purchase to save you some money. Interested?

8:23 AM  
Blogger kimw said...

Heck yeah, I'm interested! I'm always up for saving some money. I have a little space to expand, so next year, I'd like to see if maybe I can do some corn.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

We usually get together in January to place our orders, plan out our plots, etc.

Do you have an email address? Send it to elliottpipe at gmail dot com. That's my personal email (rather than my work) so we can talk easier than on Blogger. I check it a couple times a week.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

Oh yes! You DEFINITELY want to do some corn!!

2:42 PM  

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