Monday, September 11, 2006

Feeling the pressure

Okay. I've been tagged twice now, so I'm going to go ahead and do this.

1. What are you reading now? The Bible. It was my goal to read it cover to cover this year. I've only reached Psalms, so I don't know if I'll accomplish what I set out to do, but I won't give up the goal of reading the whole thing, even if it takes me longer than a year,

2. What’s the best book you’ve read this year? Well, the Bible.

3. What’s your favorite work of historical fiction? At the risk of sounding hopelessly out of touch, I'll admit I never even heard the term "historical fiction" before I met my new favorite author, Elizabeth Osborn. So, I guess I'd have to say that my favorite work of historical fiction is Atrocity Gods. I only got to read the first few chapters of long-ago draft, but man, was it good!

4. Pick a random book from your shelves and write down its first sentence. Does it make you want to read more?
"It took me a long time and most of the world to know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured."
Gregory David Roberts - Shantaram

Sure. I'll read more.

5. Have you ever read a book and wished that you’d written it? What was it? I think Tolkien is a brilliant author, and I love the way he writes, but I have no desire to write a book. I admire those who have the drive and the perseverance to do it.

6. What book on your shelves do you wish you’d never bought? There's not one.

7. Have you ever bought someone a book for BAFAB? No

8. What book do you really wish someone would buy you for BAFAB? If someone wanted to buy me a book for BAFAB, I hope they'd buy me something close to their own heart. That would give me a nice insight into my friend that I might not otherwise have.

9. Go to and leave a comment mentioning your post. Remember to include your permalink in the comment.

10. Tag three people. Stephie, Cyndi, Pam. (None of these currently have blogs right now, but I'm hoping they will soon. I keep trying!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone should have a copy of the Baby Man-Voice Book on their shelf!

- PJ

3:59 PM  
Blogger kimw said...

Yes, the Baby Man-voice book is an obscure classic to be sure! How can I get my hands on a copy of that one?

5:51 AM  

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